Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer is in full swing in the Children's Room

After our too long and cold winter, summer has truly arrived at the Port Jeff Library's Children's Room!

Molly and Zach man the PJFL Travel Agency

As part of our Summer Reading Program, "One World, Many Stories", the PJFL Travel Agency is open and our teenaged pages are ready, willing and able to help your child record their summer reading and collect their prizes.  Over 300 children signed up in the first two weeks of the program to read throughout the summer and over 60 have already read enough to fulfill the requirements to receive completion certificates and prizes. 

Our Wall of Honor will soon go up, with photos of those who completed their requirements, 
proudly riding on a purple elephant.

Our young patrons are enjoying programs daily, with content ranging from book discussions,
crafts from around the world, movement and magic shows.  A drop-in movie is offered 
each Friday afternoon at 2 PM for families to enjoy while beating the heat. 
This month we are delighted to welcome Mudge, a therapy dog into the Children's Room 
every Thursday at 2:30 PM for a drop-in session. 

Mudge loves Books!
Mudge is a great listener!

And, don't forget the many displays we have prepared in our department.  In addition to our Spotlight on a Continent display (currently featuring Asia), we are highlighting books that take place in faraway lands, books celebrating July as National Ice Cream Month, summer stories and, in recognition of National Cow Appreciation Day, books concerning all things bovine.

Cow Appreciation Day!
So, come check us out and see how we can make your summer more fun!

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